Key name | Val. type | Description | Example value |
classname | String | Classname of that entity. | "func_train" |
globalname | String | Global name used for level transitions. | "map02_scientist_003" |
origin | 3D-Vector | Position of the entity in world coordinates. | 30 60 90 |
oldorigin | 3D-Vector | Old position. Always 0 0 0 in engine. | 0 0 0 |
velocity | 3D-Vector | Direction and speed of the entity. | 100 20 0 |
basevelocity | 3D-Vector | Base direction and speed of the entity. (for example if standing on a train) | 100 20 0 |
clbasevelocity | 3D-Vector | Used by client. | 100 20 0 |
movedir | 3D-Vector | Movement direction used by trigger_push or func_rotating. | 0.5 1 0 |
angles | 3D-Vector | Angles of the entity. (pitch, yaw, roll) | 0 90 0 |
avelocity | 3D-Vector | Angular velocity. (rotational speed, degrees per second) | 0 25 0 |
punchangle | 3D-Vector | Auto-decaying view angle adjustment. (e.g. when an alien grunt punches you) | 0 25 0 |
v_angle | 3D-Vector | Viewing angle. (player only) | 0 25 0 |
endpos | 3D-Vector | End position; used by some moving entities. | 500 100 0 |
startpos | 3D-Vector | Start position, used by some moving entities | 100 0 0 |
impacttime | Float | - | - |
starttime | Float | - | - |
fixangle | Integer | Value to tell the engine, what to do with the entity angles. 0: nothing; 1: force view angles; 2: add avelocity. | 0 |
idealpitch | Float | - | - |
pitch_speed | Float | - | - |
ideal_yaw | Float | - | - |
yaw_speed | Float | - | - |
modelindex | Integer | Index of the entity model. | 23 |
model | String | Name of the entity model. | "models/scientist.mdl" |
viewmodel | Integer | Player's viewmodel. (what you see in first person) | 23 |
weaponmodel | Integer | Player's weaponmodel. (what other players see when they look at you) | 23 |
absmin | 3D-Vector | Absolute mins; coordinates of the lower left back corner of the entity hull in world space. | 100 100 0 |
absmax | 3D-Vector | Absolute maxs; coordinates of the upper right front corner of the entity hull in world space. | 132 132 32 |
mins | 3D-Vector | Entity hull mins; coordinates of the lower left back corner of the entity hull. | -16 -16 -16 |
maxs | 3D-Vector | Entity hull maxs; coordinates of the upper right front corner of the entity hull. | 16 16 16 |
size | 3D-Vector | Entity hull size. | 32 32 32 |
ltime | Float | - | - |
nextthink | Float | Time-value of the entity, telling the engine when to call the "think"-function of the entity next, which may compute and execute several entity functionalities. (e.g. train movement) | (depends on server time value) |
movetype | Integer | Movetype-value, telling engine how this entity should behave physically. (see movetype value list below) | 1 |
solid | Integer | Solid-value, telling engine how OTHER entities should behave physically when they touch this entity. (see solid value list below) | 1 |
skin | Integer | Skin of this entity. (texture selection for studiomodels) | 1 |
body | Integer | Body of this entity. (sub-model selection for studiomodels) | 1 |
effects | Integer | Effects-flag, telling the engine how to render this entity. (see effects value list below) | 1 |
gravity | Float | Percentage of "normal" gravity. | 100 |
friction | Float | Used by engine when movetype is MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (inverse elasticity); used by several entities for friction. (e.g. func_pushable) | 100 |
light_level | Integer | - | - |
sequence | Integer | Current animation sequence. | 3 |
gaitsequence | Integer | Movement animation sequence for player. (0 for none) | 2 |
frame | Float | Percentage of playback position in animation sequences. (0 - 255) | 102 |
animtime | Float | World time when frame was set. | (depends on server time value) |
framerate | Float | Animation playback rate. (-8x to 8x) | 3 |
controller | byte[4] | Bone controller setting. (0 - 255) | 110 20 0 80 |
blending | byte[2] | Blending-amount between sub-sequences. (0 - 255) | 200 120 |
scale | Float | Sprite rendering scale. (0 - 255) | 0.25 |
rendermode | Integer | Render-mode. | (see list of rendermode modes below) |
renderamt | Float | Render-amount. | 255 |
rendercolor | 3D-Vector | Render-color for color render-mode. | 255 128 32 |
renderfx | Integer | Render-effect. | (see list of renderfx modes below) |
health | Float | Health-points of the entity. Use it in trigger_camera to check if this camera is used (1 for camera is being used, 0 for not). | 100 |
frags | Float | Frags of the entity. | 100 |
weapons | Integer | Bit-mask for available weapons. | - |
takedamage | Integer | Takedamage-value, telling the engine if and how this entity can take damage. (see list of takedamage values below) | 0 |
deadflag | Integer | Deadflag-value, telling the engine what the life/death status of the entity is. (see list of deadflag values below) | 0 |
view_ofs | 3D-Vector | View offset vector. | 8 0 32 |
button | Integer | Button-flags, sent from client telling the server, which buttons are pressed. (see list of button values below) | 0 |
impulse | Integer | - | - |
chain | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer when linked into a linked list. | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
dmg_inflictor | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer to the entity that did damage to this entity. | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
enemy | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer to the current enemy this entity is focusing on. | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
aiment | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer when movetype is MOVETYPE_FOLLOW. | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
owner | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer when this entity is owned by another entity. Examples: When a func_tank is being used by a player, the tank's owner is that player. An RPG fired by a player is owned by that player. Entities have no collision with their owner and vice versa. | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
groundentity | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer to the entity where this entity is standing on. (includes "worldspawn" for map) | Entity-pointer or NULL. |
spawnflags | Integer | Spawnflags, set by mapper. | 0 |
flags | Integer | Flags, set by engine. (see list of flags below) | 0 |
colormap | Integer | Low byte topcolor; high byte bottomcolor. This specifies model custom colors, as seen in use on player models. | 57020 |
topcolor | Integer | Top color of player model. | 225 |
bottomcolor | Integer | Bottom color of player model. | 225 |
team | Integer | - | - |
classify | Integer | Classification of this entity used in monsters relationship. Can be used with monsters, breakables (including doors) and any other targetable entity (in mean of attack). | (see list of classify values below) |
max_health | Float | Maximum health this entity can have. | 100 |
teleport_time | Float | - | - |
armortype | Float | Maximum armor this entity can have. | 100 |
armorvalue | Float | Armor points of this entity. | 100 |
waterlevel | Integer | Value to tell the server if the entity is swimming, on dry ground or wading. | (see list of waterlevel values below) |
watertype | Integer | Watertype. (slime, lava, water) | 0 |
target | String | Name of the target of this entity. | "top_sprite" |
targetname | String | Name of this entity. | "trigger_top_sprite_on" |
netname | String | Used in several ways, see FGD or ask someone. For players, this contains their nickname. | "lalala" |
message | String | Used in several ways, see FGD or ask someone. | "lalala" |
dmg_take | Float | - | - |
dmg_save | Float | - | - |
dmg | Float | Amount of damage this entity will inflict on others if it deals damage. | 10 |
dmgtime | Float | - | - |
noise | String | - | - |
noise1 | String | - | - |
noise2 | String | - | - |
noise3 | String | - | - |
speed | Float | Speed of this entity (not current speed; that's what velocity is!) | 100 |
air_finished | Float | - | - |
pain_finished | Float | - | - |
radsuit_finished | Float | - | - |
pContainingEntity | Entity-reference | Entity-pointer. (?) | Entity-pointer or NULL |
playerclass | Integer | - | - |
maxspeed | Float | Maximum speed of this entity. | 200 |
fov | Float | Field of view | 90 |
weaponanim | Integer | - | - |
pushmsec | Integer | - | - |
bInDuck | Integer | 1 if crouching, 0 otherwise. | 0 |
flTimeStepSound | Integer | Time-delay for step sounds. (?) | - |
flSwimTime | Integer | - | - |
flDuckTime | Integer | - | - |
iStepLeft | Integer | - | - |
flFallVelocity | Float | - | - |
gamestate | Integer | - | - |
oldbuttons | Integer | - | - |
groupinfo | Integer | - | - |
iuser1 - iuser4 | Integer | User-defined integer-values, used by Sven Co-op on several entities in different ways. | - |
fuser1 - fuser4 | Float | User-defined float-values, used by Sven Co-op on several entities in different ways. | - |
vuser1 - vuser4 | 3D-Vector | User-defined vectors, used by Sven Co-op on several entities in different ways. | - |
euser1 - euser4 | Entity-reference | User-defined entity-pointers, used by Sven Co-op on several entities in different ways. | -