
Half Life Models List
All standard Half-Life models with high definition pack models (248 models).
Sven Co-op 5.0 Models List
Sven Co-op models (suspended)

Model Lists contains most of Half Life and Sven Co-op models. Sven Co-op models also includes custom official release maps models from version 5.0. If any future update will remove some of listed models, the list won't be updated. 
Information about model list you need to know:
    • Player(p_) weapon models, View (v_) weapon models and Half-Life models duplicates in SC models list are not included.
    • Half Life Blue Shift and Opposing Force Expansions models included.
    • Only clean installation of Sven Co-op Models are included.
    • Half Life list contains Steam High Definition Models and have old standard Half Life models excluded.
    • Models names cannot be found by CTRL+F web browser function.
    • Models are listed in alphabetical order.
    • Models are not presented with transparency.


Model Description Overview:

1. Preview of the model. 
Up to 4 different models when more 
skins or submodels are used.

2. Model name.
Includes folder path (if not in main models folder), and file extension.
If there is any very similar model 
to this one, the additional file name characters are stored in commas.

3. Model type.
Static- model have only one 
sequence and it's not moving.
Animated- model have animation.
Sequenced- model contains multiple sequenced.
Submodels- file includes different submodels. Number of submodels 
are described in commas.
Skinned- models have multiple skins.

Monsters skins or submodels may 
not be described- having multiple bodygroups on mosters is obvious.

4. Model info.
Additional model information like 
entity name that used this model
or info about being gibs.