List of useful commands that might be helpful in map testing, debugging or taking a screenshots. Access the console with "~" key. myinfo -> Show very detailed statistics about you as a player. mapinfo -> Show number of entites, models and sprites with their respective limits. cl_showstats 0/1/2-> Disable/Enable client and server info on screen. Set to 2 to also show audio, particles and position info. developer 0/1/2-> Disable/Enable developer logs. 1- standard logs. 2- more detailed logs. Default 0. Logs might report issues with current map making it great debug command. impulse 50 -> Toggle HUD. It also toggles player's item_suit- switching weapons or pickups won't be possible. impulse 101 -> Give player all items/weapons. impulse 102 -> Spawn gibs at current position. impulse 103 -> Show info about monster the player is looking at. Developer mode must be more than 0. impulse 106 -> Show info about model or sprite the player is looking at. impulse 107 -> Show name of texture from the surface the player is looking at. Developer mode must be more than 0. impulse 202 -> Spawn blood at surface the player is looking at. Player must be close to this surface. impulse 203 -> Remove entity the player is looking at. give %classname -> Give specified item, weapon or ammo. E.g. give ammo_crossbow. Check names for items, weapons, ammos. giveall -> Give all weapons. givepoints X -> Give player specified amount of points. godmode 0/1 -> Immunity to hazard and monster damage. Player still can be killed by script or kill command. cl_noclip 0/1 -> Toggle player noclip (flying + no collision). cl_nonsolid 0/1 -> Disable player collision with entities. cl_notarget 0/1 -> Enemy stops trying to kill you. They cans till hear you and you can still rev ghost 0/1 -> Spectate mode- flying, enemy can't see you. cl_invisible 0/1 -> Invisibility, other players and monsters can't see you. my_gravity % -> Change player gravity. Only affects player that used this command. healme -> Restore health to maximum. chargeme -> Restore armor to maximum. reviveme -> Revive when being death (before the respawn). gibme -> Instant death with gibbing. kill -> Instant death. restart -> Restart the current map. teleport X Y Z -> Teleport player to specified map coordinates. r_drawviewmodel 0/1 -> Hide/Show weapon view model. Default 1. crosshair 0/1 -> Hide/Show weapon crosshair. Default 1. net_graph 0/1/2/3 -> Show advanced info about fps, performance loss, rendered polygons e.t.c. r_speed 0/1 -> Show current number of polygons and entity polygins. gl_wireframe 0/1/2 -> Toggle wireframe rendering mode. Useful for seeing what engine renders at the moment. cl_precachecount -> Show number of currently precached models, and limits to it. create %classname %ally %scale -> Create an entity with classname %classname. Optional %ally parameter controls if entity is player ally. Use 0 to keep default setting (e.g. by default headcrab is an enemy, barney by default is an ally) or 1 to reverse setting remove %targetname -> Remove all entities with specified targetname. ent_name_ahead -> Shows targetname of entity the player is looking at. thatinfo -> Show info about enetity the player is looking at. ent_trigger_ahead -> Trigger entity the player is looking at. trigger %targetname on/off/toggle/kill/set %setvalue -> Trigger entity with specified targetname. Optional second parameter |