Point entity which, when triggered, causes the players' screens to have an in- or out-fading color to be drawn over them. It's possible to create static screen color modulation by retriggering this entity in a loop.
Time, in seconds, the effect will fade in/out.
Time, in seconds, the fully faded-in/not yet faded-out state will stay.
"Fade alpha", renderamt :
Set how transparent/opaque the effect is at its peak (Hold fade). 0 means transparent. 255 means opaque.
"Fade color", rendercolor :
1: "Fade from": If set, instead of fading to the color specified, the screen will fade out from it, meaning the color will apply suddenly. Good for a flashbang effect.
2: "Modulate": If set, instead of drawing the color layer over the screen, the color you set will be used as a color filter. E.g., when you set the color to pure green, any red and blue will be removed from the player's screen.
4: "Activator only": If set, only the player who activated this entity will be affected by it
- Sum of "duration" and "hold time" time can be maximum ~18 seconds long, then env_fade ends. Trigger it multiple times to keep
it for longer time, use more than one env_fade if you need first one for color transition, and second one for still target color.