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Causes nearby players' screens to shake. Used for simulating earthquakes.

"Amplitude", amplitude :
Ranging from 0.0 to 16.0, this sets the amplitude in degrees.

"Effect radius", radius :
Radius around the entity in which the rumble affects players. Becomes less noticeable towards the outside of the radius.

"Duration", duration :
The duration, in seconds, which the rumble lasts. This includes a linear fade-out: The rumble starts with the set amplitude, which becomes less towards the duration time running out.

"Frequency", frequency :
The frequency of the rumble. A value of 10 would mean that your screen will shake up and down ten times per second.


1: "Global shake": The env_shake will affect the whole map equally, instead of a radius around it.


  • Env_shakes can safely be triggered while a rumble is still in progress, causing the new rumble to overwrite the old one entirely.
