The env_shooter entity allows to emit a model or sprite of your choice and shoot it into a certain direction, at a certain velocity. Sprites aren't specifically supported, though.
"Number of Gibs", m_iGibs :
Set the amount of gibs to be shot when triggered.
"Delay between shots", delay :
Set a delay between the individual gibs to be fired, in seconds.
Firing-velocity of the gibs shot, in units per second.
"Course variance", m_flVariance :
This is multiplied with 3 random numbers from -1 to 1 to form a vector to be added to the normalized direction-vector of the gib-direction, per gib. A great value like 100 would make the gib-direction almost entirely random. You can think of this as a value between 0 and 1 resulting in a course-cone from 0 to 180 degrees size, though that's not exactly what it is, just an approximation.
"Gib Life", m_flGibLife :
Time, in seconds, the gib will be visible till fading out of world and getting removed. This is actually randomly altered for every individual by minus to plus 5 per-cent.
"Model or Sprite name", shootmodel :
Set a model or sprite to shoot; preferably model.
"Material sound", shootsounds :
Sound-set to be used for when gibs collide with stuff.
"Gib Sprite Scale", scale :
Scaling-factor for the models and sprites shot.
Model sub-skin to be used. Leave at 0 if there are none.
1: "Repeatable": If set, the env_shooter can be used more than once.
- If your delay between shots is 0, the game will increase it notably; 0.01 works, though.
- The gibs also bounce off players.
- Gibs do not get stuck in each other.
- Render-modes and -amount can be used to be applied to the gibs.
- When shooting sprites, they often appear at the origin of the world.
- Animated sprites won't animate. Model animations don't play, either.