The env_xenmaker allows to spawn monsters with teleportation and beam effects. It can be set to act as a spawn-effect-data-template for squadmakers, in case you want to pair this spawn-effect with the customizability-features of the squadmaker entity.
"Monster Type", monstertype :
Entity classname of the monster type to spawn here. This must be set even if 'No Spawn' flag is set otherwise it will crash the game with "Spawned a NULL entity!" error message.
"Beam Radius (max)", m_flBeamRadius:
Maximum beam strike radius.
"Beam Alpha", m_iBeamAlpha:
Alpha of the beam. 255 for full opaque beam.
"Beam Count", m_iBeamCount:
Number of single beam instances.
"Beam Color", m_vBeamColor:
Set the beam's color. Note that, because of bolts being rendered additively, darker colors mean greater transparency.
"Light Radius", m_flLightRadius:
Radius of the light that appears while spawning monster.
"Light Color", m_vLightColor:
Color of the light that appears while spawning monster.
"Sprite # Framerate", m_flStartpriteFramerate (1)/m_flEndSpriteFramerate (2):
Frame display rate of the animated sprite.
"Sprite # Scale", m_flStartpriteScale (1)/m_flEndSpriteScale (2):
Scale of the sprite.
"Sprite # Alpha", m_iStartpriteAlpha (1)/m_iEndSpriteAlpha (2):
Alpha of the sprite, 255 for full opaque sprite.
"Sprite # Color", m_vStartpriteColor (1)/m_vEndSpriteColor (2):
Sprite Color override.
1: "Try Once": If set, the env_xenmaker will attempt to spawn only once when triggered, instead of waiting till the spawn-zone
is unobscured.
2: "No Spawn": If set, nothing will spawn at this env_xenmaker. Use this when you only want the visual and audible effect. You still must specify monster to spawn in 'Monster Type' keyvalue, otherwise it will crash the game.
- When using an env_xenmaker as an effect-template for squadmakers, you may have to ensure its position in the entity list to be after its according squadmaker(s) in order to avoid a crash on map-load. To achieve that, follow these steps:
- Select all env_xenmakers in your map and group them.
- Perform a copy-paste-special or clone-drag (hold shift), leaving the copy in the exact same position as its original.
- Hide the copy.
- Delete the original group.
- Unhide the copy and ungroup it.
- Save your map.
As for why this crash may happen, don't ask me. It was by sheer luck and coincidence I even managed to figure out this fix.
- Using multiple env_xenmaker at one time sums up emitted sounds, what makes them very loud. It's not really a bug but it's very
unpleasant effect.
- Monster type must be specified even if 'No spawn' flag is checked, otherwise it will crash the game.