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Entity that creates one-way "portal" on surfaces, rendering the image "seen" from target entity (info_target or another portal), optionally allowing to travel throught to it's target. Image can be also scaled making possible to create 3D skybox or miniatures from parts of the map. Origin brush is required for this entity. This entity works currently only in windowed mode. Keep in mind that many graphical issues are to be expected while this entity is still work in progress. This entity can be freely triggered to enable/disable rendering. 
For set up rules you can see and download example maps from this thread.

"Zoom", zoom:
Scales image the portal renders.

"Max FPS", fps:
Target frames per second rendered by this entity. Decreasing improves performance.

"Min Render Distance", mindist:
Minimum render distance in which entity is rendering. Leave empty or set to 0 for no minimum distance threshold.

"Max Render Distance", maxdist:
Maximum render distance in which entity is rendering. Leave empty or set to 0 for infinite.

"Texture Mode", textureMode:
Set which textures on this brush are replaced by portal renderer. Options are:
  • All Textures: Apply portal renderer on every surface.
  • { Textures: All transparent textures (those which names starts with ' { ' character).
  • Named Texture: Textures with name specified in 'Texture Name' keyvalue below.

"Texture Name", textureName:
Name of the texture to apply portal on. Works only when 'Texture Mode' is set to 'Named Texture'.


: "Solid": Enable collision. Note that this does not need to be checked when teleporting is enabled.

: "Start Disabled": If selected, entity need to be triggered in order to start working.

4: "Teleport": Check this so portal will not only show destination image but also teleport to it.

8: "No Gl ClipPlanes": Usually when a portal is renderer, everything between the player and the area that the portal shows is clipped away. Usually you want this enabled, but you might want to disable this feature when creating concave portals (e.g. for 3D skyboxes).

: "
Render only every 2nd frame": Update rendered image only every two frames.

32: "Shoot through": Allow shooting bullets and transporting projectiles through portal.


  • Portals can be moved an rotated by trigger_setorigin.
  • For two-way portals create two separate func_portals then let first portal target second one and vice versa.
  • If target is a portal and 'Teleport' flag is checked, the player will be teleported to the center of target's origin brush.
