Trigger_successive is a custom entity created by Silencer. Entity triggers it's target based on order of receiving input from specified
entities. It trigger a "Target on success" when entities where used in a correct order, and "Target on failure" if not. Every success or failure
resets entity and test can be retried again. You can create fully functional keypad, memory games or trigger different events basing on
order of actions performed by players. If entity receives "Off" input, it resets immediately. If entity is triggered by another entity not listed
in any input fields it is treated as wrong input. Wrong input is also received when trigger_successive is triggered by entity listed in input
field, but it's triggered in wrong moment.
Test map and entity script can be downloaded here.
"Target on success", target :
Target to fire when order is correct.
"Target on failure", netname :
Target to fire when entity resets and order is incorrect. It resets on first wrong input received, unless it's "Bad Input Handling"
is set to "Wait till input count", then the failure is triggered after "Input count" number of inputs
"Input count", inputcount :
Number of inputs specified by keyvalues below, e.g. if this set to 3, entity must be triggered in order: "Caller 1 Targetname", "Caller 2 Targetname" and "Caller 3 Targetname".
"Bad Input Handling", bad_input_handling :
Default "Fail Immediately", it means that entity resets immediately when wrong input is received. Set it to "Wait till input count" to make keypad-like behavior- entity resets after final input (after "Input count" caller firing) even if every input is wrong.
"Caller # Targetname", input# :
Radius, in units, in which to search for a valid target monster. This will only work if you specified a monster classname for 'Target monster'.
1: "Remove on fire": The trigger_successive will be removed after successful test result.