List of default entity sounds that cannot be previewed in editor.File names useful when creating custom sound replacement.
Platform/Train Move Sound
VALUE NAME | FILE NAME | PREVIEW | Big Elev 1 | plats/bigmove1.wav | | Big Elev 2 | plats/bigmove2.wav | | Tech Elev 1 | plats/elevmove1.wav | | Tech Elev 2 | plats/elevmove2.wav | | Tech Elev 3 | plats/elevmove3.wav | | Freight Elev 1 | plats/freightmove1.wav | | Freight Elev 2 | plats/freightmove2.wav | | Heavy Elev | plats/heavymove1.wav | | Rack Elev | plats/rackmove1.wav | | Rail Elev | plats/railmove1.wav | | Squeek Elev | plats/squeekmove1.wav | | Odd Elev 1 | plats/talkmove1.wav | | Odd Elev 2 | plats/talkmove2.wav | |
VALUE NAME | FILE NAME | PREVIEW | Fast Whine | fans/fan1.wav fan1on.wav fan1off.wav | | Slow Rush | fans/fan2.wav fan2on.wav fan2off.wav | | Medium Rickety | fans/fan3.wav fan3on.wav fan3off.wav | | Fast Breating | fans/fan4.wav fan4on.wav fan4off.wav | | Slow Smooth | fans/fan5.wav fan5on.wav fan5off.wav | |
*Every on/off sounds are playing when Acc/Dcc flag is selected. |
Platform/Train Stop Sound
VALUE NAME | FILE NAME | PREVIEW | Big Elev Stop 1 | plats/bigstop1.wav | | Big Elev Stop 2 | plats/bigstop2.wav | | Freight Elev Stop | plats/freightstop1.wav | | Heavy Elev Stop | plats/heavystop1.wav | | Rack Stop | plats/rackstop1.wav | | Rail Stop | plats/railstop1.wav | | Squeek Stop | plats/squeekstop1.wav | | Quick Stop | plats/talkstop1.wav | |
VALUE NAME | FILE NAME | PREVIEW | Rail 1 | plats/ttrain1.wav | | Rail 2 | plats/ttrain2.wav | | Rail 3 | plats/ttrain3.wav | | Rail 4 | plats/ttrain4.wav | | Rail 6 | plats/ttrain6.wav | | Rail 7 | plats/ttrain7.wav | |