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Set various map compile parameters without need of using batch file for advanced compilation settings. Makes compile settings
inseparable from map, very useful when multiple mappers are involved in creation process. No extra actions are needed- place entity
anywhere, tweak desired keyvalues and during compile process all parameters will be applied automatically. Each keyvalue sets parameter for compilers, in spawnflags all parameters for each compilers (CSG, BSP, VIS, RAD) can be disabled- with separated option for parameters shared bewteen compilers. See official ZHLT parameters documentation: 
ZHLT Command ReferenceYou can also check my advanced lightning tutorial that covers basics of compile process and explains most important parameters: 
Advanced Compilation.


Most keyvalues are equivalents of ZHLT compile commands, see ZHLT Command Reference for each of command.
Compile logs will print info about info_compile_parameters being detected (for each compiler), along with all affected parameters.
These parameters will be further mentioned in current settings chart proving that everything works as expected.


1: "Ignore shared settings": Ignore parameters shared between compilers.

2: "Ignore CSG settings": Ignore CSG parameters.

4: "Ignore BSP settings": Ignore BSP parameters.

8: "Ignore VIS settings": Ignore VIS parameters.

16: "Ignore RAD settings": Ignore RAD parameters.
