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Monsters are NPC's you can fight/interact with. Every monster is assigned to it's class (that you can customize). In Sven Co-op monsters are highly customizable. It's recommended to use "squadmaker" entity, instead of placing monster in you map directly (for better performance, when a lot of monsters are spawned at map start, the map can gets laggy. Try to place as few monsters as possible, every other monster spawn with squadmaker during gameplay). However you can use this list to learn more about monsters and their keyvalues.

Go to keyvalues/flags...

Preview Description
monster_alien_babyvoltigore    Baby Voltigore
--Race X Shock--
Baby version of Voltigore. Cannot shoot beams like it's mother.
monster_alien_controller    Alien Controller
--Alien Military--
Floating aliens that shoots series of electric beams or big enemy-tracking power ball.
monster_alien_grunt    Alien Grunt
--Alien Military--
Fast grunts that uses Hornetgun at the distance, and limb to punch enemies with extreme power. Drops snark nests.
monster_alien_slave    Vortigaunt
--Alien Monster--
Enslaved Vortigaunts that serves military aliens in their battle. Uses lighting bolts to hurt opponents and
to revive other fallen vortigaunts.
monster_alien_tor    Xen Overlord
--Alien Military--
One of the most Powerful opponents that summons Alien Grunts and have insane damage output, uses sonic wave that critically damage everyone around him, he can use his staff which shoots projectiles with deadly accuracy to send his foes high up the air so they fall to the ground for death. Poor fools...
monster_alien_voltigore    Voltigore
--Race X Shock--
Big Ponderous Monster who shoots deadly energy beams. Explodes after death.
monster_apache    Apache Helicopter
--Human Military--
Apache that uses chain gun, as well as destructive missiles. Explodes after destroyed so stay clear.
monster_assassin_repel    Male Assassin
--Human Military--
Male Assassin that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_babycrab    Baby Headcrab
--Alien Prey--
Baby Headcrab frequently spawned by Gonarch.
monster_babygarg    Baby Gargantua
--Alien Monster--
Baby of Gargantua that is much smaller and not invulnerable to bullets.
monster_barnacle    Barnacle
--Alien Predator--
Stationary monster that hangs down from ceiling and using his tongue to pull up preys into it's month.
monster_barney    Barney/Barnabus
--Player Ally--/--Human Military--
Part of Black Mesa Security Team. Uses 9mm pistols for defense.
monster_barney_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_bigmomma    Gonarch
--Alien Monster--
Big four-legged monstrous creature. Spawn baby headcrabs, split spores and uses his legs in closer combat.
monster_blkop_osprey    Osprey Helicopter
Black osprey delivers human assassins. Shoot it's rotor to destroy it. Also care for explosion he made after destroyed.
monster_blkop_apache    Apache Helicopter
--Human Military--
Apache that uses chain gun, as well as destructive missiles. Explodes after destroyed so stay clear.
monster_bodyguard    Bodyguard
--Human Military--
Very dangerous agent who can wield a wide selection of weapon.
monster_bullchicken    Bullsquid
--Alien Predator--
Aggressive predator that split acid at his foes and using powerful tail attacks.
monster_chumtoad    Chum Toad
--Alien Monster--
Cute but dangerous toad that produces poisonous cloud when in danger.
monster_cleansuit_scientist    Scientist
--Human Passive--
Scientist, but in laboratory suit.
monster_cockroach    Cockroach
Do not afraid, it's just a roach! Smashed when someone steps by on it.
monster_flyer_flock    Flyer Flock
Part of passive Xen fauna.
monster_gargantua    Gargantua
--Alien Monster--
Invulnerable to bullets large creature that uses flame attacks and flame stomps. He may eat enemies when they stays too close to him.
--Player Ally--
Used to create custom monsters that can be controlled by scripted_sequences.
monster_gman    G-Man
Mysterious Personage.
monster_gonome    Gonome
--Alien Monster--
Mutated headcrab Zombie, faster, stronger and does much more damage with his claws. Also shoots organic projectiles from his chest.
monster_grunt_ally_repel    Grunt
--Human Ally--
Ally grunt that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_grunt_repel    Grunt
--Human Military--
Grunt that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_handgrenade    Grenade
Grenade that will explode after a set amount of time after spawned.
monster_headcrab    Headcrab
--Alien Prey--
Alien monster that seek for potential prey to be attacked in most unexpected moment.
monster_hevsuit_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_hgrunt_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_houndeye    Houndeye
--Alien Monster--
Doggy creature which using sonic waves on his enemies. Gain more strength when in group.
monster_human_assassin    Female Assassin
--Human Military--
Not easy to defeat with ninja-like abilities. Nimble killer, deadly, can jump on incredible heights.
monster_human_grunt    Grunt
--Human Military--
Grunts can wield different types of weapons and works in group to eliminate targets.
monster_human_grunt_ally    Grunt
--Player Ally--
Ally grunts.
monster_human_grunt_ally_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_human_medic_ally    Medic Grunt
--Player Ally--
Provides healing for his squad.
monster_human_torch_ally    Engineer
--Player Ally--
Supports grunt squad. Have flammable canister on his back which explodes on shot.
monster_hwgrunt    Heavy Weapons Grunt
--Human Military--
Extremely durable grunt that wield Minigun. Large amount of damage and deadly accuracy.
monster_hwgrunt_repel    Heavy Weapons Grunt
--Human Military--
Heavy weapon grunt that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_ichthyosaur    Ichthyosaur
--Alien Monster--
Aquatic monster very easy to annoy. Use pistol, crossbow or hornet gun to take him down underwater.
monster_kingpin    Kingpin
--Alien Military--
One of the most powerful enemies. Shoots deadly homing energy orbs that explodes with sonic waves after hit an enemy or obstacle. Uses energy beams that are almost impossible to dodge. Teleports and reflects various projectiles. Also using shield that need to be destroyed before damaging Kingpin. Also explodes after death.
monster_leech    Leech
--Alien Monster--
Small underwater leech.
monster_male_assassin    Male Assassin
--Human Military--
Highly trained unit that behavior is similar to Grunt soldiers. They are more dangerous, can use different weapons.
monster_medic_ally_repel    Medic Grunt
--Player Ally--
Medic Grunt that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_miniturret    Small Mounted Turret
Small turret, does moderate amount of damage and can be easily destroyed.
monster_nihilanth    Nihilanth
--Alien Military--
Xen most powerful creature. Wield power that is beyond human imagination.
monster_osprey    Osprey Helicopter
Osprey delivers human grunts. Shoot it's rotor to destroy it. Also care for explosion he made after destroyed.
monster_otis    Otis/Otto
--Player Ally--/--Human Military--
Part of Black Mesa Security Team. Uses desert eagle for defense.
monster_otis_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_pitdrone    Pitdrone
--Race X Pit Drone--
Fast monster that is deadly in melee combat. Shoots spikes from distance.
monster_rat    Rat
Just a stinky rat.
monster_robogrunt     Robot Grunt
Robot that is partially immune to bullets, wide weaponry usage. Explodes after destroyed.
monster_robogrunt_repel    Robot Grunt
Robot hat will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_satchel    Satchel
Pushable Satchel that explodes after triggered.
monster_scientist    Scientist
--Human Passive--
Scientist. May heal or even revive allies.
monster_scientist_dead    Corpse
Non-solid corpse.
monster_sentry    Sentry
Stationary turret that explodes after destroyed.
monster_shockroach    Shock Roach
--Alien Prey--
Pickable insect that dies after a set amount of time when no one pick him up and use as a weapon. It's dropped by Shock Trooper.
monster_shocktrooper    Shock Trooper
--Race X Shock--
Hard to defeat alien that shoots fast projectiles using Shockroach. Also quipped with acid grenade that poisons when explodes for a moderate amount of time. Drop shockroach after death.
monster_sitting_scientist    Scientist
--Human Passive--
Scientist that is set to be sitting.
monster_snark    Snark
--Alien Bioweapon--
Small alien that ceaselessly bites his prey. Hard to shoot with weapon. Deadly in groups. Explodes (w/o causing damage) after few seconds.
monster_sqknest    Snark Nest
--Alien Bioweapon--
Live small amount of time. Snark nests are thrown by Alien Grunts. Breaks after short amount of time releasing a pack of snarks. It's better to destroy it, so it will release smaller amount of snarks.
monster_stukabat    Stukabat
--Alien Predator--
Flying bat-like creature that poisons it's enemies.
monster_tentacle    Tentacle
--Alien Monster--
Agressive, huge tentacle that deal massive damage to enemies hit.
monster_torch_ally_repel    Engineer
--Player Ally--
Ally engineer that will appear rappelling down when triggered.
monster_tripmine    Tripmine
Creates planted Tripmine that explodes when it's detection beam is touched.
monster_turret    Large Mounted Turret
Big turret, does moderate amount of damage.
monster_zombie    Zombie Scientist
--Alien Monster--
Scientist possessed by headcrab. Slow but dangerous in close combat.
monster_zombie_barney    Zombie Barney
--Alien Monster--
Barney possessed by headcrab. Slow but dangerous in close combat. Stronger than regular zombie.
monster_zombie_soldier    Zombie Grunt
--Alien Monster--
Human Grunt possessed by headcrab. Slow but dangerous in close combat. Stronger than both regular and barney zombie.


Classification", classify :
Set the class of the spawned monster. Think of how even though zombies and human grunts, by default, both are the players' enemies, yet have a dislike for and attack each other as well. This relation is created through the respective classes of the two monster types. For a complete table of how different classes react to each other, see monster class relation table.

"Is not revivable", is_not_revivable :
If set to 'Yes', the monster cannot be revived by player's weapon_medkit or other allied monsters.

"Trigger Condition", TriggerCondition :
Choose trigger condition for this monster. When condition is met, the "Trigger Condition Target" is fired. Conditions to use:
  • See Player, Mad at Player: When enemy player is seen by monster, or player became an enemy of this monster.
  • Take Damage: When damage is taken, no matter if it's ally, enemy or trigger.
  • 50% Health Remaining: When monster health drops to 50% or below.
  • Death: When monster dies.
  • Hear Player: When monster hear a player for the first time, his footsteps or weapons. Note that crouching makes player harder to hear, just like some quiter weapons are harder to heard by monsters. Allies might ignore hearing player when
    they are moving behind monster's back, but still this trigger will fire when monster saw player.
  • Hear Combat: When monster hear combat sounds like weapon shooting.
  • See Player, Unconditional: When monster see a player for the first time.
  • See Player, Not in Combat: When monster see a player for the first time,but it's not in combat of any kind. When player attack a monster before monster even saw him, the trigger will fire.

"Trigger Condition Target", TriggerTarget :
Entity to fire when the above condition becomes true.

"Body", body:
This will set which body to use. Body's are different submodels/appearances in model files. Think of the different scientists.
Not all models do have multiple body's. '-1' means random.

"Skin", skin:
Monster's model skin to use, if model have multiple skins.

"Is Player Ally", is_player_ally:
Set whether the spawned monster is an ally or a foe of the players. Note that for monster_scientist and monster_barney 'Yes' means 'No' and 'No' means 'Yes'. This is because they are friendly in Half-Life Single Player by default and this option was added in later and not updated for scientist and barney in order to provide backwards compatibility.

"In-game Name", displayname :
If set, this will overwrite the monster's default in-game name, which appears in the HUD monsterinfo, which can be enabled/disabled using the CVar 'mp_allowmonsterinfo'. You can use '\n' here to perform a line-break.

Blood Color", bloodcolor :
Allows you to customize the monster's blood color (or disable it).

Custom Health", health :
If set, this will overwrite the monster's default health value managed by the skill configuration.

Custom Model", model:
If set, this will overwrite the monster's default model. This needs to be precached using a custom_precache point entity.

Custom Min Hullsize (X Y Z)", minhullsize :
If set, this will overwrite the monster's default minimum hullsize. Minimum and maximum hullsize form a solid cuboid which define the monster's collision hull. Think of them as two span-vectors originating from the monster's origin.

Custom Max Hullsize (X Y Z)", maxhullsize :
If set, this will overwrite the monster's default maximum hullsize. Minimum and maximum hullsize form a solid cuboid which define the monster's collision hull. Think of them as two span-vectors originating from the monster's origin.

Sound Replacement File", soundlist :
Set the path to a sound replacement file for the spawned monsters. The path begins in 'svencoop/sound/mapname', whereas 'mapname' would be your map's name. You can go to the parent directory using '../'. A valid sound replacement file contains
one or more lines with two sound-paths, which are separated by a space and wrapped into quotes. The first sound is the sound to be replaced. The second sound is the new sound. Sound-paths start in the sound directory. You cannot go to the parent directory using '../' in that case. These sounds do not need to be precached using a custom_precache point entity.

Monster Roaming (nodes)", freeroam :
Set whether monsters spawned by this squadmaker use nodes to freeroam and find their way or don't use nodes at all.

"Path Name", path_name
Name of first path_waypoint to go to.

Entity To Guard", guard_ent :
If set, the monster will try to follow and protect (attack its attackers) the given entity.

"Squad Name", netname :
Name of a squad for this monster to be part of. Monsters which share the same squadname/are in the same squad, will attempt to stay together and follow their squad's leader (monster with "SquadLeader" flag).

"Use Sentence", UseSentence :
Name of sentence to play. Doesn't work when "Pre-Disaster" flag is selected. Handles sound file. To use sound file write '+' symbol and then filename with path (e.g. if you want to set file located in "svencoop/sound/mymap/bell1.wav", type '+mymap/bell1.wav'. Remember that you need to precache this sound! To do this, place custom_precache, and in the any 'sound' keyvalue write 'mymap/bell1.wav'.

"Un-Use Sentence", UnUseSentence :
The same as above, but it is playing when player Un-use monster (stop following command). Remember to precache sound file
if specified (like above).

"Weapons", "Secondary Weapon", weapons :
You can choose which weapon the monster uses (HG = Hand Grenade, GL= M16 Grenade Launcher e.t.c.). Heavyweapon
Grunt can carry secondary weapon. You can also spawn monster without the weapon. Grunt can now use sniper rifle.

"Heads"head :
Some monster can have their head choosen from dropdown list.

Monster-Specific Keyvalues

First node" <monster_bigmomma only>netname :
Name of the first info_bigmomma entity to control scripted sequence of this gonarch.

"Flock Size" <monster_flyer_flock only>iFlockSize :
Number of creatures in this flock.

"Flock Radius" <monster_flyer_flock only>flFlockRadius :
The flock radius, the higher the value is, the more distance will be kept between flyers.

Disable Minigun Drop<monster_hwgrunt only>disable_minigun_drop :
If set to 'Yes' the minigun won't be dropped so players can't use it after grunt death.

"Orientation<monster_miniturret/monster_turret only>orientation :
Determines orientation of the mounted turret- floor or ceiling.

"Search Time<monster_miniturret/monster_turret only>maxsleep :
Time to auto-deactivation when no enemies tracked.

"Turn Rate<monster_miniturret/monster_turret only>turnrate :
Rate of turret rotating when navigating enemies.

"Max Attack Range<all turret entities>attackrange :
Range of firing. Note that too high values may not be supported.

Grunt Type<monster_osprey only>grunttype :
Grunt type that osprey is continuously dropping until destroyed.

"Number of Grunts<monster_osprey only>num :
Overrides default number of grunts each wave. Leave empty for default.

"Bodystate<monster_otis only>bodystate :
Otis body state, holstered weapon, drawn weapon or... donut!

"Sweep Arc<monster_tentacle only>sweeparc :
Angle of enemy searching.

"<Unspecified><monster_tentacle only>levelxheight:
Add custom keyvalue ('level0height' or 'level1height' or 'level2height' or 'level3height') to control tentacle height.
This keyvalue is used by opposing force campaign.

"Tap Sound<monster_tentacle only>sound :
Sound playing when the tentacle hits a ground.

"Initial Ammo<monster_pitdrone only>initammo :
Amount of spikes pitdrone can shot.

"Disable AI<monster_generic only>disableai :
If "Yes" is selected, the custom monster cannot react to environment, and have it's thinking disabled.


1: "WaitTillSeen": Monster will have it's AI disabled until it sees player (even if something starts attacking monster)

2: "Gag": Monster's idle sounds are muted at map start (until woken up).

4: "MonsterClip": Monster is affected by func_monsterclip.

16: "Prisoner": Causes the spawned monster to be an enemy regardless of the ally setting, but it won't attack or harm you in any way.

32: "SquadLeader": Selec this flag if you want this monster to become a leader of squad typed in "Squad name"

64: "Start Inactive": Start disabled, ignore environment until triggered.

128: "WaitForScript": If set, monster won't react to anything after being spawned until it enters a scripted sequence.

256: "Pre-Disaster": Used for monster_scientist, monster_barneys e.t.c. Prevents player from using monster as his follower.

512: "Don't Fade Corpse": Prevents corpse from disappearing. Useful when we have essential (mostly friendly) NPC whose death would make map impossible to finish. If corpse never fades players can revive dead monster.

16384: "No Dyn collision": Set whether the spawned monsters will appear solid to each other and the players or not.

Monster-Specific Flags

: "Ignore Player<monster_tentacle only>: Ignore players presence.

8: "NoWreckage<monster_apache/monster_blkop_apache only>: Do not produce gibs after destroyed.

1024"No Babycrabs<monster_bigmomma only>: Do not split babycrabs.

8"Head Controller<monster_generic only>: Make use of head controller of this model.

32"Autostart<all turret entities>: If selected, turrets can auto-activate themselfes when enemy is in their LoS.

1024"No Shockroach<monster_shocktrooper only>: Do not drop shockroach upon death.

      • 5.0 Steam Release: Added 'Is not revivable', 'Path Name', 'Disable AI' and 'Secondary Weapon' keyvalues.
      • 5.04: You can change which weapons can be used by monster_alien_grunt.
      • 5.15: You can give human grunts a sniper rifle.
