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Display a number on set of brush entities covered, for best results, with '
+0~HEX_00' texture. The number is picked from keyvalue of chosen entity e.g. "health" from "monster_scientist". You can pick any accessible value from any entity, supports Private Entity Variables. The number is displayed on brushes specified in "Base digit name" keyvalue of this entity. Each brush covered with '+0~HEX_00' (or any other animated texture) represent single digit.

Example: if you want to display three digit number, and "Base digit name" is set to "num_brush", the brush entities must be named "num_brush1", "num_brush2" and "num_brush3". Those brushes should be placed in reversed order, from right to left.
("num_brush1" represents far right digit, "num_brush2" represents center digit, and "num_brush3" represents far left digit)


Entity to track", target:
The entity from which the value is picked.

"Key to read", netname:
Keyvalue to pick a number from e.g. "health".

"Base digit name", message:
Name of brush entities on which the number will be displayed. Animated texture of those entities will be manipulted to fit accessed value. Brushes need to be named with following pattern: ' basename%d ', where basename must be the same
in every affected brush, and
%d is a number increased for each brush (starting at 1) e.g. "brushdigit1", "brushdigit2", "brushdigit3" e.t.c. The iteration starts from right to left- number 573 will be spliced into parts as follow: "brushdigit1" = 3,
"brushdigit2" =
7, "brushdigit3" = 5.

"Update delay", frags:
Time interval between value updates. The smaller the value is, the more frequently number is updated.


1: "Start On": Entity is activated on start.

2: "Cyclic": Changes the trigger_numericdisplay's behaviour to a single-fire-behaviour. With this flag set, the number will be updated once, and then idle until triggered again.

4: "Ignore leading zeroes": All leading zeroes will be displayed as an 'a' letter ('+A~HEX_00'), so "0345" is converted to "a345".

8: "Zero as leading": Zero number is treated as a leading zero.


  • If other texture in '~texturename' sequence is used, (e.g. '+3~HEX_00' instead of '+0~HEX_00'), then displayed digit value
    is increased by three, for 
    '+7~HEX_00value is increased by seven e.t.c.
  • Entity supports any texture that is animated, even if there are missing animation frames. If no '+a' texture provided, the texture will animate itself normally.
