Basic Guides
Overview about mapping elements. You will learn how to create basic map environments with those extensive guides, where you exactly decide about final effect. It's more like guidebook/manual rather than classic step by step tutorials.
Pitch Yaw Roll
How to set up object pitch/yaw/roll.
Pitch (y) ● Yaw (z) ● Roll (x)
Ladders, Stairs, Ropes
Typical platform objects.
func_ladder ● func_illusionary
Water, lava, acid
A few types of liquids. Moving/Falling Water.
func_water ● func_illusionary
Many door types.
func_door ● func_door_rotating
Platforms and Movables
Easy to set up moving and spinning platforms.
func_plat ● func_platrot ● func_train ● path_corner
Level Transition
Simple transition between maps.
Player movement
Gravity, friction, push and speed.
trigger_gravity ● trigger_push ● func_friction
Special Effects
Fire, smoke, laser, explosion, glows, sparks, fog, model shooter, trails, blood, funnel, screen control. env_laser ● env_beam ● env_spark
env_sprite ● env_fog ● env_explosion And More...
Light and Sky
Basic lighting tutorial. Appearance types list.
How to create exterior area with sky tutorial.
light ● light_spot ● light_environment ● info_texlights |
Triggers and buttons
Triggers, switches, levers and pressure pads.
Logic Entities
Basic triggering with logic "trigger_" entities.
How to change player spawn dynamically
or move late players to specified arena.
Technical Tutorials
Compile process, file formats and directories structure.
 Advanced Guides
Complex mapping templates. Guidebook about more advanced mapping problems. Similar to basic guides, it's more like guidebook/manual rather than well-known step by step tutorials. That means you really decide about final effect!
Controllable Vehicle/Train
Player controllable (and non-controllable)
advanced train.
func_tracktrain ● func_traincontrols ● path_track
Mounted Weapon
Player and monster controllable. Laser, bullet and explosives. func_tank ● func_tankcontrols
func_tanklaser ● func_tankrocket ● func_tankmortar
Cutscenes and Action Control
Camera, text and animation. Spawners, monsters, player and environment control.
monster_ ● scripted_sentence ● trigger_camera
path_coner ● scripted_sequence ● aiscripted_sequence
Advanced Compilation
ZHLT and Vluzacn's Compile Tools guide. Light, shadow and brush control. Clip types. Mirror. A lot of zhlt entities, tricks and commands.